Which ones feel most important?
Marketplace of Ideas
The most important model of free speech to me is the Marketplace of Ideas. I think pitting different ideas against each other is the best way to make progress. Good ideas will defend themselves against evidence, bad ideas will be destroyed by it. In the marketplace of ideas there is no need for regulation because everything will sort itself out naturally. Some people worry about some bad ideas being dangerous, but society will ensure that ideas wrong enough to be dangerous will be ostracized. Even though ideas don’t need explicit regulatory defending though, what does need defending is that lack of defending. There are a lot of people in this world who would like to impose their political, religious, or other ideological philosophies upon others via legal means, bypassing the Marketplace to achieve hegemony. This needs to be defended against at all costs.
Which ones feel most personal to you?
Protect Dissent
Protection of Dissent feels very personal to me because I personally hold a lot of ideas that might go against the majority standpoint. If I was not allowed to have these ideas, I honestly don’t know what I would do. I expect there are a lot of people like that in this world, and if we all had our ideas censored for not aligning with the majority there would be a lot of unhappy people and a lot less ideas. Furthermore, it would be dangerous if the ones imposing those ideas were the government. It’s dangerous because unlike normal people, the government would have the ability to issue punishments for dissent, which would put anyone who criticizes them in danger. That doesn’t stop the government from making the occasional bid to seize control of thought, though. This must be guarded against to the best of our ability.
Which one do you see in action today?
Promote Innovation
The Promotion of Innovation has been particularly apparent over the past few decades. Our rapidly increasing ability to communicate with each other has coincided with a rapidly increase in technological innovation and improvements to the human condition. The better technology leads to better communication, and it all snowballs over time. Because of our freedom of speech our ideas about technology and science have been able to spread all around the world, ensuring that they reach the people who can use them best. Our unprecedented level of communication is perhaps the greatest achievement of human history, and it’s all made possible by the snowball of innovation.
Perhaps the technology we are all the most reliant on nowadays is the internet. It fuels our modern existence. Even if you aren’t an avid internet user you still benefit from the good it does for humanity. It allowing us to communicate globally has massively increased education, its ability to tie technology together has improved our public services, and it’s lead to a new renaissance of art and culture. This, I think, is best reflected in the theory of Promotion of Innovation. Free speech is what allowed the visionaries who create and use the internet to operate with full effectiveness. Without their ideas being stifled, they can create whatever technology and art they want. This is the perfect representation of what free speech should be.